Still Retain Any Kindergarten Memories?

Some of these images may be "false memories", meaning maybe I got them mixed up with dreams (or real scenarios in other places/times). Regardless, this is what I can put together now at the ripe old age of 68.

1) I attended kinder from Fall 1960 to Spring of 1961 at Bagby Elementary in San Jose, CA. I was five years old.
2) The first day of school, my parents drove me a few blocks from home to the bus stop. At the end of the day, I began to cry on the bus after I had forgotten to get off the bus at my stop. Somehow or other I was soon reunited with mother.
3) There was an older student that would wait at the bus stop with me in a higher grade level who once (or more often) pushed me to the ground. I believe it was a girl.
4) Every day we would greet the teacher saying: "Good morning Misses Moody".
5) I was attracted to a girl with dark hair styled in a pageboy (probably never spoke to her).
6) On a regular basis, I was removed from class and taken either alone or with a smaller group where we would play games and stuff (using puppets, for example). This most likely was some kind of speech "therapy" because as a youngster I had difficult pronouncing some sounds correctly.
7) We all made some kind of clay object and put a marble in the middle. When this artistic creation was returned to us, the clay had been baked in an oven and the glass marble had melted into the clay. Most likely this was or at least resembled an ashtray. This was a gift for Mom and Dad.
8) At the end of the school year, we were given a small piece of the vegetable that we had planted earlier in the school year. In our case, this was radish. I was surprised to find how bitter the radish tasted, quite disagreeable considering I expected it to be something delicious.
9) We were given several options of available activities we could select during designated free time. I remember choosing to water paint often (usually painted houses). I never developed any skill in that artistic endeavor at all. Another activity was building fort-like things with giant blocks.
10) We all had blankets and would lie down every day at a designated hour for either nap time or quiet time.

Bagby Elementary School.jpeg