Wtf is wrong with employers these days?!

Employers are ridiculous these days with treating employees like expendable assets instead of actual people. It took me about 5 months of applications (majority of course went unanswered) and interviews to finally land at my current job which I am loving so far; my company has excellent benefits and actually cares about its employees. Our CEO is also a pretty stand-up, no-BS guy so that's reassuring. I turned down a couple positions and was thankful in hindsight to be not selected by some others due to the "vibe" I got during interviews and what I found through some research.

I highly recommend using and to look at employer reviews by people who are current or previous employees, I found them extremely helpful in my job search.

I agree on not being a fan of unions but somehow, someway big business needs a serious fire lit under their asses to knock off this horseshit. The greed and selfishness of executives is wrecking our economy.