Wtf is wrong with employers these days?!

They are doing it to take you off the market for other potential employers. If you are under the impression they are interested in hiring you maybe you wont job hunt as hard . That way they have more time to interview others while still having you on the hook . Then if they choose someone else they tell you the job is across the country instead of “sorry not interested “. Cowards!
For those of you that are anti union you should be aware employers have unions… they are called trade organizations.
They have meetings and compare wages and benefits with each other so that no one pays too much . Not all industries do this but probably 90% . I was in the car biz for 35 years and for them it was the NADA… National Automobile Dealers Association. They would have dealers bring their financials to compare labor costs and collectively make agreements on pay scales and bennies . Almost every dealer in the country has a similar pay program …. Coincidence ????
Funny thing is, I wasn’t job hunting to begin with , they found me haha