46RH overdrive ratio.

Thank you for a constructive reply. I think your breakdown aboveshows where part of the problem lies. People seize on a part of what you have written and flame you for it without trying to understand the whole question. What i'm getting into here is quite a complex topic.
If I start a new thread asking about the speeds of operation I'm starting over with all sorts of issues - tires, final drive, torque converter etc. The biggest issue is the latter. I can't work out if I'm switching at the right speed if I don't understand what's happening in terms of slippage.
Obviously at low speeds a torque converter has total slippage. I don't understand how linear this is up until the point when decent power is transmitted. If I have a stock converter with a stall of 2000RPM am I asking for trouble switching in overdrive without lockup if it brings the RPM down below stall speed? Is stall speed even relevant in this case? Any pointers to where I can read up on this and avoid derision on the forum would be welcome. There's plenty out there for those wanting to burn rubber and show off but not so much for those of us who want to cruise peacefully and save gas most of the time but occasionally let rip and fly.

You are correct in realizing that lower rpm = more slip.
Just a FYI, if your trans was slipping for 10 seconds it would be toast.
It’s not like a clutch, where it’s made to slip on and off through it’s life.
Most don’t realize that, but trans builders do.