Stop in for a cup of coffee

That is a great road, we lived at foot of Mt Rainer and took the kids camping every year at Mt St Helen’s to observe how the earth healed its self. Amazing process. Forestry cordoned off two five acre parcels side by side for rehab. One of the parcels they “helped” planted stuff etc etc. The other parcel they left Mother alone and just let it be. The first five years or so the difference was dramatic, forestry was crowing about their success. The “man made aided reconstruction “ was far and away better. At just about the five to seven year mark the man helped patch stalled. The left alone Mother Earth repaired section exploded with growth. By seven year mark there was simply no comparison. Earth for the win!
Wow that's pretty cool.
Would need to dig out old maps but think the palce I stopped at St Helens was Trail of Two Forests.
Then back tracked to the interstate

IIIRC this is where I camped.