A funny.......not so funny story

The car was parked at the family home. When my dad passed away, my sister continued living there. Fast forward a bunch of years, my sis moved in her boyfriend......Who is a dick......Told me to get the car out of there or it would be scrapped. Of course, I didn't believe him since I still owned half of the house (I then lived 6 hours away). Friday came, and the complete car went to the wrecking yard. One thing is for certain......He is a man of his word.

I never pushed the issue as I didn't want to be the spark of a volatile situation between him and my sister. Years later, I signed over my half of the house to my sister for free. One day I mentioned the car and how it would have saved me a fortune with my current build and she simply said "sucks to be you"
You Sir are a better man than I.