Fun weekend at Mopar muscle drag fest, couple new bests

Great event they put on in London, Ky. The track owners are wonderful people, do a great job at this event every year. My second time coming to it. Next year will be the 5th time this event has happened.
Did very little damage racing. Some very tough customers down there, probably best quality Mopar event racing I have been to.
Set a new best 1/8 time, 6.604, also had a 6.61. Previous best was 6.63 couple of times.
I know a 6.64 was a 10.48 in my car, guessing the 6.60 was likely 10.40-10.42, maybe a hair better or worse.
Also had a 1.41 60 foot, and a bunch of 1.42’s… all new bests. Car was again a good bit better than the driver.
Saturday afternoon I lost first round to the eventual winner( Tammy Gibson in an orange Roadrunner) had her by 13 on the tree, saw her nose come down, trusted the car and legged it out..went 6.652 on my 66 dial. She was dead on.
Sunday lost second round, identical lights, slower car, took too much stripe, that was the 6.60 pass, just Tight racing and my finish line skills have always been my biggest weakness.
Had a lots of fun, my good buddy who I pitted with had a great weekend in NSS, he won Saturday night, and got beat in the final Sunday.
great friend and my old next door neighbor who used to be my crew… for me when I had my W5 car came down with me, we had a great time, fun to spend quality time with good friends at the track. That’s what it’s all about :thumbsup:

Had a Bucee’s brisket sandwich on the way back, yes, they are indeed killer