does Stabil work?

STA-BIL works well. I keep gas on hand for vehicles and lawn equip. As well as a generator.
I will say container also matters. An open plastic container is worse. Next up is a meral one partially full. The more percentage open to air the more moisture can collect.
A closed metal container of treated fuel is best. I have had properly stored barrels last 5 year's. Might have lasted longer. Race gas was 15 plus year'sold and fine as well.
And not tgst you asked but race gas fixed a lawnmowers carb and cleaned the fuel system, better tgan my favorite, Berrymans B-12
Remember Berrymans has all the vitamins and minerals ya cars need to grow up strong.....
Seafoam works too on messed up carbs and cleaning system's but rather B-12