Magnum Roller Lifters

Go to solid lifters.

Solid lifters do things that hyd lifters do not do:

- they do not collapse
- they do not pump up
- they do not jam.
Easiest/cheapest fix: if you can dismantle the lifters, use s/s washers or a spacer under the piston to take up that space. Remove the spring & any valving under the piston. Adjust spacers/spacing so that he prod seat is close to the circlip, but not touching it.

Lash: 0.006-8" when hot. Set lash initially, drive car, have tools ready to quickly remove valve cover after test drive. Find a loose rocker & measure the hot lash. Let cool overnight & measure the same valve next day. Whatever the difference is between hot/cold, you can set the lash cold so that it is 6-8 at operating temp.

You could also buy sol lifters, but may need prods also.