NHL 23-24

Played hockey my entire life, right up to my 50th b'day when a slapshot broke my ankle (Happy B'day to me, eh?) I'm "old school"/Original 6, so as far as I'm concerned, any game I watch (if it's not the One & Done Wild), my priorities of who I root for are as follows, in this order:
* Any Original 6 team
* Any Canadian team
* Any team in a "hard water" locale (aka, "ice", for you non-NHL folks).
* Any team that doesn't have cheerleaders in the stands.

As for these new Southern teams they've been adding to the league, I'm sorry, but give me a break! Ever heard the phrase, "When hell freezes over?" Well, it did just that last year. I mean, Vegas? Are you phuqing kidding me?
