Cruising legal in California?

Long before cruising and "Lowriders" the ride height law was in place, probably in the 50s when the custom Leadsleds (which is what lead to the Lowriders) were popular.

Throughout the 70s cruising was popular not just the low riders. In SoCal cruising Van Nuys Boulevard was so popular that it just became a parking lot and that is why anti-cruising laws were created. This was everybody in all sorts of cars, maybe a lowrider but likely only a few lost in the hundreds of other cars.

In most areas cruising was defined as going by driving by the same place more than once in short period of time. You can't say cruising is illegal without defining cruising.

The laws were not created to combat the Latino community and had nothing to do with them.

What I got from this article was that the two (ride height and cruising) unrelated laws were dropped.

Was the Latino community being targeted? Yes and no. For the most part they are the only ones with lowriders and cruising.
