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How our online 3D printing service works​

Upload a 3D File
Send us your. .stl, .obj or any 3d files. Don't have a CAD file ready? We also provide a professional 3D CAD services. Just send us your design and we'll handle the rest.
Tell us what you need
The material, quantities and a short description of your project. If you're unsure, don't sweat it. We will guide you to the perfect solution!
Receive a quote
You'll get an email and a call from us immediately so we can talk about the best and most cost effective way to approach your project. No minimum order quantities!
Pay and print
Once the quote is approved we will start 3D printing your idea. We'll keep you updated and we'll make sure the result is exactly what you want or even more. No minimum orders.
Shipping or pickup
We offer nationwide delivery or you can pick it up from one of our local studios near you.
On-demand 3D Printing Service [High Quality] | PrintAWorld

Perhaps this service could be used. The process is in the quote. Frodee could receive the print and use it as the master. I like the Go Fund Me idea brought up earlier. Frodee and C500 should be compensated nicely.

We would need to figure out the cost for scanning, cost for the printing service, and ...
@Frodee , how many could you make? We need to make enough to cover the costs so we also need to get a head count of "For Sure" investors.