New to the forum and to A-bodies - advice on a build direction

Right now all I have is the car, a rebuilt 340, a transmission (not sure what yet), and rear seats. The rest, wheels, tires, interior pieces, at all stuff that will need to be sourced. So it can really go in a variety of directions. My gut is pushing me towards what I call as a Stock+ build which is mostly stock with some light modern upgrades to make driveability/livability/and safety better.

Thoughts on the retro spoiler vs. none? I was wanting to tuck the exhaust up a bit by fabbing a channel in the bumper, but may just go for the oval/square under the bumper instead of people prefer the stock look. Was trying to meld just a few touches from a modern Demon into it.

Crappy 5-min photoshop of the exhaust and bumper. Exhaust wouldn't stick out as far in real life, but hard to get the photoshop angles right snipping stuff from Summit Racing:
