Curious how hands on FABO is

Hands on here. I'd like to get more experience with metal fabrication and machining though. The stuff I make never turns out as nice as I'd like.

One thing that was conspicuously absent from the list is wiring. Seems like a lot of dudes are afraid of it or just have no clue what they are looking at. With all the electronics getting incorporated into older cars, this may get tougher and tougher to get a handle on. I've rewired a few cars now and am on my second EFI conversion. It's a skill for sure.

Pretty much every old cr will need to be completely rewired at this point if it still retains the OE harnesses.
It was inevitable I miss a few categories....... :BangHead:
Really needs a "broke stuff" category, then I could tell the truth

Feel free to share your failures, I've got a lot on here :lol: