Curious how hands on FABO is

Everything but paint and automatic transmissions. Both in my option are better left to professionals.
Some do have a natural ability to paint well, some develop the skill, some try and never get it right!
No glass or body work for me.

"A man's got to know his limitations."
Harry Callahan
I've done it all except machine work and rebuilding an automatic.
Here is another one that doesn't rebuild transmissions. ^^^^ I do understand.....the inside of an automatic looks intimidating.
I might try some day.
I started out with these cars with limited money and only a few tools. Sometimes I looked at a project where the tools to do the job were a LOT cheaper than paying someone else to do the work. Buying those tools made sense if I could then use the tools on other things or other projects.
I'm a fair body and paint guy...Not fantastic but decent. I wasn't trained but I did learn by watching others, trying things and screwing a lot of stuff up.
I don't have the ability to do machine work or front end alignments so I have to step back and let the professionals do that. Automatic transmissions have been easy enough to find used or to pay for rebuilds but just for fun, I'd like to try rebuilding one. One drawback to that is that if it isn't built right, it might require removal from the car to fix. That isn't so bad if you have a car lift and transmission jack.
Welding....I am still amazed at the enthusiasts that build cars but don't have a welder. The ability to replace floor pans, add subframe connectors, fix broken parts and all of that is impossible without having a MIG welder or knowing someone who has one.
A man needs a bench grinder with a wire wheel for cleaning parts along with a sandblaster. An air compressor is a MUST.
If I were plucked from my home and dropped into another environment, it would take years to replenish the tool supply. So many things get bought over time. Much of what I've bought was with "MAD money" or cash from selling car parts I didn't need.
I've improved my skill with electrical systems but would benefit from classroom instruction on the basics, I can solder and follow a wire diagram but don't know the finer details on electricity and it's limits.