Stop in for a cup of coffee

Off to the chiropractor this morning. I'm going in to see what he can do for my shoulder deltoid muscles. Between working around the house, golf, and working out they've bothered me for a few months. I took last week off no golf or lifting, and they feel better. He's the guy who I get the dry needle treatment from which is amazing and hopefully a couple of those does the trick. I'm sure he'll tell me overuse might be a problem haha!!
I don't think this would cure you completely but it could help, have you ever tried a roller or ball to "roll" your muscles. Only reason I've tried or know about it is this "Vimocity" thing I'm doing at work where for a few weeks you can target any body group. I had a roller from work/same program but bought an oversized tennis ball, think it's a dog toy actually from TSC. Anyway you pin it between yourself and a wall and roll it around, works great and is different than stretching, increases blood flow etc.