Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning guys.
Had to laugh. We had a bought a box of 100 chocolate bars and my wife was all wired saying we won't have enough.
She buys another 30 bars. We had a total of 17 kids last night. She got a real razzing last night.
On the way to bed last night I suggested we put the rest in the freezer for the next couple of years.
She burst out laughing I'm glad to say.
So, my new bumpers are in and I asked the guy to inspect them for me before driving 3 hrs each way.
He phoned me back and said "they are made in Taiwan (red flag) and then shipped to the U.S. for chroming.
He said they are a few little defects on them as well. So overnight I've decided to pass on them but at least the guy was honest.
We had plans of going to see our son as he's about 10km north of there, have a visit then head back home.
I thought AMD would have a better product than that but if it's all off-shore stuff what do you expect.
If I was going to sell the car it might have been a different story