however the rectangular rear rubber mount comes in 2 versions
one version with 2 studs in the bottom and one with 1 stud in the bottom

the worst you will have to do is drill another hole in the cross member if you get an early mount and a slightly later cross member

US cars seemed to have 2 studs in the 60s
but by the last few years before the spool type it was 1 stud

other markets had 2 studs until 80s

2 stud version usually paired with a cross member that has an indent for the inner drivers side main cross member bolt through the chassis

1 stud mount seems to go with a cross member where the space between each side for all 4 main big bolts is the same

both peculiarities seems to be linked to making sure you don't try to put the part in backwards. i.e its obvious which way it all goes before you jack up the trans again

ps i could be wrong i'm working from a platform of Aussie car ownership not US, but I do have a few cross members of both types
