Is Craigslist broken?

Over the last year or so I've noticed that either, A) My ads (as a Seller) don't get the responses they used to get, or B) My responses (as a Buyer) don't seem to go through. Yes, I fully realize that CL is not what it used to be, and that I should try (enter your personal favorite site here), but what am asking is, am I the only one experiencing this?

Case in point: Just last night I contacted a seller regarding a John Deere tractor I am interested in. Amazingly enough he responded back to my initial inquiry within a few minutes. BUT...He never received my 2nd response, and I had to go back to the original posting, and contact him again, so we could connect.

This has been happening more and more to me, whether I'm a buy or a seller. In fact, I've had people tell me they've tried to contact me multiple times for something I've listed for sale, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to what gets through.

Is this just me?

(And before anyone asks: I do have an account set-up with CL.)

