Is Craigslist broken?

I used to sell things on CL all the time. If I had something good to sell, it was usually gone in 24-48 hours. I have had nothing but scam responses in the last two years. In fact, I quit listing on CL. I use Facebook Marketplace (FBM) now. I believe it is slipping into the same rabbit hole that CL started slipping into about 5-6 years ago, but it is still OK. What really cracks me up, is when someone asks through CL or FBM if the item is still available. I tell them yes it is, give them my phone number and ask them to please call me. They almost never do. Maybe I am just old and from another generation, but why would someone prefer to bounce back and forth with Emails when a quick phone call would work so much better and faster.

That being said, I DO have a Facebook so I can use FBM, but I REFUSE to use Facebook for anything else. I don't do Twitter or any of the others either. I have better things to do with my time. I have had people ask me how I follow friends and family? If I care enough about someone enough, I will call, text or Email them.

They are harvesting your phone number.

Email communication can be done at both parties convenience, and it creates a written record of what was discussed and agreed to.

Moreover, using CL's secured email does not expose your real address to potential scammers.