Widowmaker and other Heart Problems Club

Negative Sir! Blood thinners are just that. The low dose aspirin is called a blood thinner but it is actually not the only thing it does. The Asprin inside the body acts as a coating on the blood cells making them slicker.
This is my poor man’s way of explaining it.

Anti rejection meds work in a totally different way and are used for working on the white blood cells so they do not attack the new organ. It tricks the immune system into beileveing the new organ that it’s OK to be there. Like, wile sing the new organ is itself and not foreign. The stent is a foreign to the body item but it is not organic. The bodies reaction to foreign objects depends on what it is made out of. Hence things like Glass or Gold are (mostly) ignored (because some people are actually allergic to Good) but things like wood are acted on and mostly because it is carrying bacteria or germs. As well as being organic.

Stents (and sometimes other things used in surgical replacement parts are) surgical steel. It’s a super clean non inflammatory metal that causes no ill side effects on people. Therefore, no anti rejection meds are needed.

My son in law as a teenager was hit by a car and very seriously injured at the left hip. Fast forward to his 21st birthday, he was in the hospital getting a ball and socket refurbishment. Guess what, no anti rejection meds at all and not ever.

A old school friend had a pancreas and liver transplant.
HE has to as a absolute MUST take anti rejection pills to live.
That’s because the new organs are a foreign organic item that are seen much like as an invader to the body and the white blood cells mass attack like the entirety of the China and Russian Red armies all attacking with the ferocity of meth hyped up WWII German soldiers beating up on the foreign item worse then blood thirsty Viking brutality.

This poster is so full of ****, not only are there eyes and hair brown, so is the toxic bullshit gas coming from there mouth.

Remember Godzilla vs the Smog Monster…. Yes! She makes the Smog Monster that sucks on black belching smoke stack look like Greta.

As a note, most of this I knew when I had my surgery done but yet still checked with the wife since she is a career RN. Checked with my organ transplant freind and my son in law as to make sure I crossed my “T’s” & dotted my “I’s” before I let this post fly into the cyber world.

Edit - Platlets are also inhibited via the asprin so they do try and create a blockage.
Correct I’ve had the lower aorta stent for 7 years I take nothing for it. It’s Titanium