Game Changing Powertrains and Electric Trucks | Watch the 2025 Ram Trucks Reveal

I wonder if this is a future option for the Charger they are supposedly coming out with.

660 HP (or maybe 800??), 100 mile range on battery alone, 700 mile range on a tank of gas without plugging in, 0-60 in under 4 seconds? Drive it around town for weeks without using gas at all with a nightly charge, but enough range to drive across my state and back without stopping. Only thing missing is the V8 sounds.

And remember that since the 3.6 is only charging/maintaining the battery, it can run at an optimal RPM and (I bet) get significantly better efficiency than how it has to run when hooked to a transmission.

Still not exactly sure how I feel about it, but I sure like it better than pretending a huge battery is the answer all while ignoring what the source of the electricity to charge it is.