Last one to post in this thread wins!

I do remember the exorbitant interest rates of the 80s, and people who lost their homes as a result of those rates. Bankruptcy was at an all time high, and it will happen again due to this government's abysmal waste of our money. One of my co-workers has been forced to sell his home because of the interest rate increase one his mortgage renewal. He told me his payments would go up almost $700.00 a month, which he and his wife, empty nesters, both working, cannot possibly afford. They have been forced to rent in a 4 plex instead.
Decades from now Canadian taxpayers will still be servicing the debt created by this incompetent bunch of clowns. Trudeau and his bunch have put this country further into debt than every previous government combined!

Your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren will still be on the hook for this fool and his reckless spending. Some legacy.
I agree with you Randy but also remember that people put themselves in deep and living from paycheque to paycheque. Just lucky they don't have kids.
Your first house shouldn't be crowding 1 million and then go out and buy a new car and so on and so on.
No wonder they are losing homes etc.
I strongly believe it's the real estate agents that are sending the prices sky high. The higher the price the more money they make.
But we're not the only country facing hard times but we're in better shape than most others