Positive coil wire

Hello gentlemen! I am needing some help on a few wiring questions I have. lve downloaded a manual for my car (1969 valiant). and can't seem to find a accurate wiring diagram under the valiant section. I have a brand new m&h engine and headlight harness and am sorting out wiring that I'm not gonna be using. I bought an ebay electronic voltage regulator I believe is the right name for it? Anyways not using the mechanical regulator that would be original to the car. I am needing a key on ignition wire for the voltage regulator and my msd box, my question is can I use the blue positive coil wire that goes to ballast resistor to positive side of coil for those two wires? My other question is in this harness I have a black wire with a ring terminal, that runs along with the alternator field wire and my temperature guage wire. Is that the power wire to the back of the alternator? I only ask because I had a d100 in the past and rewired the whole truck, and the hot wire coming from the back of the alternator went to the starter. Just seems kinda weird that it goes to the bulkhead I know they are two different vehicles but I just wanna verify.

Thank in advance


