My Colonoscopy

That's hilarious! I'm on the 3 year plan. They have removed a few polyps each time that I've had one, luckily all benign. The most embarrassing part for me is, my Gastro Doctor is an extremely attractive woman! At least she has a great sense of humor. I have Barretts esophagus also, and have to get both an endoscopy and colonoscopy on the same visit. I reminded her to do the endoscopy first if she didn't mind, because the tube wouldn't taste good. When I woke up in recovery, she said she had good news and bad news. She said the good news was everything went well and I only had 2 teeny polyps she had to remove. I asked what the bad news was? She said she forgot and did the colonoscopy first, but not to worry.....she had a nurse hunting some mouthwash! I must have had THAT :eek: look on my face because she busted out laughing and said "Seeya in 3 years!"