Stop in for a cup of coffee

So, what's everyone doing for Turkey Day besides eating too much...:lol:
Are you the host or are you going some one's house??

We head to KC and spend the day with my MIL. She'll cook up the meal and we'll bring the desert.
If we get home early enough, we'll fire up the fire pit and sip on a good drink.
I am cooking. It's my favorite holiday. It will be my husband and I Brandon is coming over with his girlfriend, and my other 2 kids, Amber and Wyatt will be home. Amber's childhood friend may join us. She doesn't have a place to go for Thanksgiving. I invited her to join us. She has been going through a lot lately for a 21 year old. Her mom passed away 2 years ago from sclerosis of the liver, now her father is away in rehab and may not be home until Christmas.