The end is near for Hot Rod Magazine

Surprising that any magazines are viable these days, the internet basically wiped them out. I used to enjoy going to the news stand or book store to buy a few car mags but I haven't done that in years.

It has to be really hard for print to compete with instant content now.
Yeah - the results of the January 1962 Winternational drags only made it to the May 1962 issue of Hot Rod Magazine. Even given that the May issue probably came out in April, that's still three months or so from the event to the magazine article about it. That same issue also reported the May introduction of the Dodge/Plymouth 413 max wedge, which was actually introduced in May. But they were only able to do so because Chrysler Corp gave them the scoop ahead of time.

But really, print magazines of all types are failing these days, along with print newspapers. Like a lot of other things that have disappeared or are disappearing due to the march of technology.