Black Friday sales. Who’s buying what.

Nice that the plastidipped it
I'm not a big fan of it, but it sure is nice how reversible it is

There weren't too many weekend warriors at the GC, but there were about a half a dozen drummer

Pretty fun to see them play in thier own styles
Even funner to see there was only one kid there who know how to handle a double bass pedal...not sure where he picked it all up but I learned him everything I know and he just ran with it

For a while ive been trying to master the drum line for "over the hills and far away" by nightwish

It written in 12/4 with triplets on the bass, 1 and 3 on the snare and every other bass hit on the floor

Took me forever to get it down, and I still can't sit down and start it at the proper tempo, I need to start at 80 or so and build it up

So I asked the boy if he ever tried it, and he sat down and blasted it
The only place is really stuck was where the previous owner burned through the clear coat on a botched polish. This is as good as I'm gonna get it before I let the body shop DA it.

