Last one to post in this thread wins!

The problem is that when one person starts screwing the pooch, someone else is forced to pick up the slack. I realize that even at 60 years old, my work ethic is much different from what most younger people have. I find myself routinely outworking 20 year olds, and that is not meant as a boast, it is far too often reality. My boss was on vacation this past week and it was obvious that the new guy was taking full advantage of the situation. I don't want to be a complainer, but I am extremely tired of finding that I have to do far more work just to ensure that everything gets done in a timely manner.
Maybe my expectations are just too high, but I will not continue to accept the childish behavior that he has been exhibiting for the last few weeks.
Had similar problems in the past. Being on the wall with puppy pumpers suck. The trig it holds the line up in the middle of the wall. I would have to commonly have to lay block on the pumpers side of the trig. So stopped doing that, got asked by the foreman why I was standing around or jointing before set time. I just pointed down wall. No words were necessary. Give them enough rope the problem will fix itself lmao