Stop in for a cup of coffee

That sums it up well.
I think for something that is going to stay in the house an original is the way to go. At least for someone like me or you. For @ZMan67S if the interest is percussion era or early cartridge it might be a better option than a reproduction.

There is this whole other market for people who like the idea of a historic gun on the wall but don't know and honestly don't care to dig deep. They bought a story or an idea. Just went through this with 2 Gransfor Bruk axes. These are high dollar axes made today. But the one I own is excellent for using (about 25 years old). The two we just got have holes in the handles to hang on the wall. While they are sharp, there is something wrong with them because they transmit shock to the user. It doesn't matter to G-B because 98% of the buyers are not real users these days.
Well said