**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

Here is my first post in this thread. I laid out the facts. Didn’t call any names.

I stand by what I said. It’s stupid building a 50 plus year old block and putting that much power through it. Can it be done? Yes. Is it smart? Nope.

So there you have it. Rumblefish whatever is a liar. Then I got attacked by clowns like this guy who has no experience with power at any level worth breaking a block.
Dude just go away. Your first post is as worthless as your last. You state you didn’t call anyone names yet in your first post you call us real racers fools and stupid. All it really reveals is how you dont know everything yet you opine you do. You then make it a full time job trying to slap everyone here. Go take a chill pill and relax.