Hi Folks

I bought a Mopar distributor that is supposed to have a performance curve. The mech. advance doesn't start until 2000 engine RPM and by 2500 it has only picked up 5*.......I stopped there! The weights move freely, but the springs look a little heavy.

Any ideas as to what application would use this, or is it just wrong?


I would take it apart and see what’s in it for springs. Stuff gets assembled incorrectly quite a bit.

On the other hand, you may be looking a gift horse in the mouth. Depending on your combination it may want a curve like that. You can use more initial (assuming it wants it) and it will still have reasonable timing at peak torque. As long as the curve goes up after peak torque and not stop at peak torque you might be golden.

Not many engines want an all in by 2500 curve.