Transport Service recommendations SoCal to Denver area.

Thanks, pass in the winter and snow. In Denver
You California people are so misled about Colorado and snow.

My sister is moving here from Orange County and she thinks she will need a dog team just to get the mail!


It snowed the beginning of October then a week or two ago 9 inches, gone in 4 days, roads were completely clear in 2.

Hasn't snowed down here in over a week. Infact it's been in the high 50s low 60s many a day.

3 routes

I 80 through Utah and whyoming
I 70 Utah and colorado
I 40 New Mexico and Colorado

To I 25

I have driven all 3 in the winter.

Only had snow on one trip, basically the entire state of Utah.

I'm just poking the bear ...

I would not want to drive any of them if it was going to snow.