New Upper A Arm Troubles

The reason the bushings don’t align is the tubes are turned and welded to the ball joint end crooked and that makes the geometry of this arm different than the other. I know it bolts on to the car with two bolts, but their other arm is flat and the bushings align perfectly, so if that’s not right then what is wrong. In the current form, there is no amount of creativity that is in this, just incorrectly welded together. I don’t even have to try fitting it to the car because it’s a waste of time an effort since I know it won’t fit and align the car. The car is drivable with factory arms on it right now, just not much castor, so I am not disrupting that when I know something is not going to work. I have been working on cars and equipment my entire life and consulted several local friends that have rebuilt several Mopars over the years, and we all agreed that this arm is not usable.

The dismissive attitudes I got on the phone from all of them got me upset. They start sentences with “I’m not arguing, but that came off a jig so it’s fine.” I don’t dispute it came off a jig, but somethings wrong with the jig if it did. And they have all these excuses why they couldn’t just replace the defective part in less than 2-3 months… not to mention flat out calling me ignorant.