Weird dreams.....let's see some of yours!

Harrison, I don't often repeat myself but I do wonder if yours also relate to testing you for "problem solving skills".

I had one 30 years ago that I killed a man and buried him in the backyard. I was in another house when I had the dream and woke up in a panic, wondering how I could sneak back to the other place to unearth the corpse to move it.
I know what motivated the dream....The county was offering a free service where they'd crush old septic tanks and fill dirt over them to prevent any future cave-ins from failing tanks. I heard this on the radio and maybe a week later I had the dream. In it, I figured anyone digging in the yard of my old place would find the body and trace it back to me.
I've never killed anyone and certainly wouldn't bury anyone in my OWN backyard if I did.
I woke up from that dream momentarily fooled by it, then the fog lifted and I wondered why the heck did I even dream such a weird thing!