Stop in for a cup of coffee

Crazy busy day yesterday, got a way overdue haircut, cat to the vet for shots, and get some like nappy hair removed. (long haired cat) Pretty funny bring a stool sample? No we did not. OK next time. So the cat is half sedated he is a bit psych right to shave him. Well the Vet get a few naps out, do his *** and he craps all over the place like a volcano. Vet is getting beat up by the cat, so they gave up and rescheduled to have him sedated all the way out. Well they got the stool sample and more. Also in the waiting room this woman has a dog and I swear to god she looked just like it. Pretty funny. Told the wife I have no idea which needed the leash! Always fun in Hoppy land!

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It never seems to be a dull moment with you hoppy. I wish you could have gotten a picture of the lady :lol: