Any gains adding 1.6 rockers to stock 273?

I think I mentioned several posts ago, that this is just a fun driver, not intending to "hot rod" it, at least for now. I am having too much fun just using it as a regular driver. I have a numbers matching 70 GTX 440/Auto that I will use when I need to feel a little more power.

I will be updating the front brakes to power disk for drivability, which in turn updates to 4.5 bolt pattern. No big deal, as the rear end is pretty worn out, so I will switch to 4.5 bolt pattern on rear as well. I have a set of 15x7 Rallye wheel and a few other sets of 15" wheels.

The car was damaged in 2005 Hurricane Katrina, and neglected after that. So I plan to get the drive train updated and drive the car until "1 day" when I decide to have some body work done.
