Maybe an other head producer in the game.

People want to think this new **** is superior to anything else. It’s not. And that’s my point.

Aint got **** to do with old school/new school. Just because it’s new doesn’t make it good and just because it’s old doesn’t make it bad.

I get out plenty. Probably more than you. A 23 degree chevy will ***** slap an NA LS all day long.

Im not a big power adder guy so the Hemi never made me giggle. Big, heavy and NA slow. Same with any Hemi.

Ritter isn’t stupid. He wouldn’t build a head for something that is obsolete.

What I don’t see is a bunch of people falling over to build G3 Hemi heads, and that’s not because they are scared or stupid.

Perception is reality. The new hemi stuff is very popular, fast or not( listening to you)
Barton, Arrington, Bischoff’s, big shops are specializing in that stuff. They aren’t dumb either.
Go to any big Mopar event the promoters are falling over themselves to create more classes for this stuff. They are a dime a dozen, tons of people have them and want to go to the track with them.