Rookie Mistake...

I've participated in a few successful car pickups.
The crew consist of the car owner that does inventory but doesn't do any loading.
Six workers for loading.
And one attorney that does all the talking representing the car owner and makes sure everyone plays nice and de-escalates any heated moments. The attorneys are very good at thinking fast, talking slow, making everyone aware of their rights, not putting up with any **** and not getting hoodwinked.
If the shop owner doesn't willingly cooperate, then the attorney makes the call to the sheriff early in the game.
The standard hardware is one car transport trailer for the car and one large enclosed moving truck for the parts.
Alot of wood crates for disassembled engine, trans and other hard parts.
And a lot of moving blankets.
Show up in the morning unannounced at shop opening hours. The whole thing takes about 4 hours on average for a completely disassembled car because of a complete inventory accounting. The cost runs fifteen hundred to 2 grand.
Plus, the destination.