It's amazing how silver DD1 looks

My 67 dart is also DD1 and has been repainted a couple times with who knows what color, my dad tried to have DD1 duplicated on the last paint job but the DD1 that the PPG book has is very different.

I had a local paint co mix up some from the book and modify some. The modified version needs more white to match the exterior paint and I have not checked the book color to the inside of the trunk.

Under the hood the paint has turned almost a turquois color.

Would you share the color match you came up with?

Your link did not work for me maybe this one will.

TouchUpDirect | Buy Auto Body Touch Up Paint Online
Yes, your link worked fine.
Mine was meant to just be the name of the company; not a direct link.

You are correct in that new mixes of DD1 do look very Silver, as compared to aged paint.
That's why even though my custom mix is very close, I will still paint the whole drivers rear fender.
The custom mix seems to be slightly darker base color; but with a very fine/minute metallic as compared to the heavy metallic OEM DD1.

Here is the description of what they are calling the custom DD1 color.
If you do want to contact them, you might drop my name as the buyer of the custom color.

Plymouth Light Blue Poly DD-1 (1967) // Replace with SHOPLINE JBX MET/MICA Prime/ No. 1 / color only
Aerosol Color only