Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have some news to share here. My youngest Matthew came by here on Sunday to visit, with my granddaughter. :thumbsup:
But he was delivering some Bad News... Apparently my ex-wifes boyfriend ( Norman ) committed suicide on Friday afternoon. Shot to the head. Now, Norman considered himself a Ladies man. He knew Sue and I since age 19. This guy was always after someone else's girlfriend or wife, always a snake.. We partied with him regularly when we were younger. He even drove his Caddy Limousine for us at our wedding. He always had the Hots for Sue. Anyhow, he called me out of the blue, 2 years ago when I was in Viet Nam. Had a good conversation, and he asked about Sue. Told him we were divorced. Said he hadn't talked to her in years. He asked for her number, and I gave it to him. When I got home 4 months later, I found out that he had gotten with Sue, and was actually living up here at her house..WTF??? He was living in Mannassas Va for years. A snake never changes I guess. I let it go, as really its none of my business. But I know the Guy and I know that he was heavy into drugs and such, and had even been shot in the face by a policeman years ago. Nobody know why he committed suicide and he didn't leave a note. He is dead now and I really dont have any animosity towards him, but it shocked me. Told my Son to check with Mom and see if its ok that I drop by the funeral home for a few minutes....
Dang Mitch, that's rough.