Basic 318 Mods

Nothing like a good strong runner in the street!

I had an318-3spd manual trans Duster w/3.23’s that I loved to whip my buddy in his 350 GM. He couldn’t understand how a smaller 318 would whip him so bad.

It starts with a well tuned and optimized engine and a stupid kid that held his foot to the floor on gear shifts while the left foot was down all the way, it would move to the left and allow the pedal to slam up on shifts.

Redline? We don’t need no stinkin REDLINES!!!!

Go until it noses over and then change a gear!

Ahhhhhhh the good old days of stupidity and carelessness while not having a concern in the world. The biggest problem was, where the next concert was and with what chick am I going with? Biggest bummer in life was the cost of insurance or that dang hang over while driving to work.
Back in the day when I drove a manual transmission, once I got rolling I never touched the clutch pedal again until I slowed down