Duster windshield removal/replacement

I discovered I had leaks in my front and rear windshields this past summer when my car got caught in a downpour on the way home from a car show. The windshields had been replaced, however they didn't have bedding and glazing compound installed around the windshields between the seals and the windshield openings. I removed the windshield trim and used 3M 08509 Auto Bedding and Glazing Compound https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/b40067023/. There are many posting on FABO about this topic https://www.forabodiesonly.com/mopa...auto+bedding+and+glazing+compound&o=relevance.
3M must have stopped making 08509 compound because I couldn't find it in stock anywhere online. I finally found 3 tubes tubes of it at my local auto parts store, but nobody else had it.

