Our above average fall/winter temps are over - minus 40 coming!

We had a very calm winter till now (they actually said we would have extreme up's and downs this winter)
and , we had not had any major moisture since July , it was very dry as well .

well, that has made an abrupt reversal. I seem to be right in the bullseye too ..Just before Christmas got a 3 inch snow , then 6 inches couple days later .. cleaned that mess up, had some high twentys so some melted, roads were clear, driverways were clear ,, and then ..

Last weekend 12 inches, next day 4 inches , then 5 inches day after , then 5 inches and in last 24 hours at minimum another 5 and its brutal cold , windchills expected to be -40

that's 40 inches of snow in 15-17 days .. our average per year here is 55ish .. its nuts