2024 charger pics.....

I think a bunch of You are missin' the mark here, this design looks like a modern more streamlined version of the exact same "Double Diamond" concept that generated the 2nd Gen Chargers, it's the short nose & Frt./Rr. treatment that screws up the look....all easily fixed. The fuel/charging port door may flip up, which would fit the position perfectly, why it appears to be a different shade stickin' out like a boner at a funeral is anybody's guess tho'.
While the LEAST "looks-like-a-Charger" title still belongs to the FWD '80's versions, they were/are cool little cars, and competent for the time in turbo form. The turbo-6 in these are never going to perform or sound like supercharged V-8's, but would spank the **** out of most every avg. V-8 ever built in the "good-ole-days".
Chevy F'd-up the grille & other small sh*t on the 1st "Retro-'maro", it got fixed & improved as it matured. Those of Us WHO ARE ACTUALLY IN THE MARKET have every opportunity these days to give feedback on what We think about the product, & it's never been easier, so let 'em know!!!