Thank you for your contributions here.
Every article and thread on these conversions is the same except yours....Someone replaces a worn out original setup with these shiny aftermarket kits, then RAVES about how great the car is.
This is different.
While I have no direct experience with the aftermarket systems, I trust those that have and the critics of both.
I don't see the advantage of these expensive conversions. The ones I've read from have stated that there was no measurable advantage of them on a race track other than a drag strip where access was improved for the oil pan and headers. Guys that turn corners don't pull their oil pans off 3 times a week nor do they change headers to run tip top at varying events where conditions change.
If the OP has found an actual improvement in the lap times of back to back events, that is hard data to support the value of the system.
I'd argue that these lack the long term durability of a stock based torsion bar system but nobody I know drives these cars 30,000 miles a year on bad roads so that may be a moot point.
I do see a difference in the K members that appears like it favors the stock system in terms of stiffness and durability.
The aftermarket stuff does look nice. It weighs less. If steering response is better, I can appreciate that but the Borgeson units I've installed don't have that center slop that even a fresh rebuilt Firm Feel unit has.
In short, the OP seems to have come closest to an even playing field for comparison of stock based versus aftermarket. For that, you have my respect and thanks.