LOL!! EV range not only reduced in cold, ALSO reduced in HEAT!!

After just having a breakfast with all of the proper nutrients, bacon AND beer! I thought I'd share why I drive a 2014 Nissan Leaf as a daily driver. I'm not a vegan, I don't believe that climate change is being caused by humanity (OK, maybe a tiny bit), but living in the Moronic People's Republic of California I get tired of paying for all of the exorbitant costs and fees that are shoved down our throats. A year ago I found a nine year old Nissan Leaf, ugly, but I'm getting used to it, with good battery health (10 out of 12 bars), maximum distance is 80 miles, 74 using the AC (100+ degrees in the summer), 72 miles using the heater in the winter. Got it from a reputable Honda Dealer in Colma, Ca. $6,880. It had 59,000 miles on the clock. PG&E (Pirates, Goons and Extortionists) sent me a check for $4,000.00. Purchase cost now $2,880.00. Senile Uncle Joe is giving me 30% of the original $6,880, which is $2,064.00. Purchase cost is now down to $816.00. California Department of Motor Victims charged me $80.00 extra for not paying Newsome's gas tax, I can live with that. We purchased a home solar power system about two years ago and no longer pay for electricity, I charge the EV for free. No smog check is required, neither are oil changes. The motor has two moving parts, no transmission, a differential (about 8:1) with three moving parts. We still use our 2019 Jeep Compass Trailhawk and our 2017 Hemi Ram 4x4 for long distance or towing (love them both), but I just wanted to interject that maybe, just maybe, there is a place for an EV at your house. Now for dessert......!