Ignition systems OEM or?

No one makes a Mopar style ignition box that I know of that runs off of 12V, no. All of them require a resistor. The way the Mopar system works, if you want a hotter spark, you get a hotter box, but they all require a resistor. There was the stock blue box, then the orange box, then the chrome box and finally the gold box. I cannot remember if the gold box required a resistor or not.....I believe it did. But I do know it was so hot that Mopar said not to idle it for extended periods....in other words it was not for the street. But the chrome and gold boxes are very hard to find now. I run the HI Rev7500, which is made in USA and good quality. Although it's blue in color, it's "somewhere" between the orange and chrome box for secondary voltage, but it still requires the resistor. You CAN run a coil that's a straight up 12V coil that's not for use with a resistor of you want, but you will burn up the box sooner or later.
Thanks! Sad Direct Connection doesn't support anymore. Is the High rev 7500 the one 4 seconds flat sells?