LSA Question

Yeah, I kinda figured this thread would be fairly polarizing once bringing up the 128 rule. It is true that D.V.s videos are teasers in order to get viewers to attend his performance seminars for “whatever” fee to get the rest of the information. He’s certainly not giving it away! I’ll likewise agree that it’s definitely a lot more race than street oriented, in that it starts at 10.5:1 compression and the information at hand only shows a .75 increase in LSA for each point gained in compression. I’m going to guess that in reversing the formula for decrease in compression wouldn’t work out nearly as well for a lower compression engine such as a smogger eighteen or 360. I do know of some 318 and 360 stump puller fast rate grinds set on a 108 LSA that work very well for towing and hauling applications, even though those applications call for an LSA in the 106 to 107 range by the rule. A 108 is probably about as narrow of an LSA as I would want to go in that type of application. If any testing has been done in that area, I’ve not came across it. But I’ll admit I’ve not really looked too hard either. I try to target at least 9:1 compression or better, which amounts to only reducing LSA by “about” 1. I imagine that the curve for lower compression would have to be less linear than .75 degrees for each point just for the sake of drivability. I do know that a 9:1 360 in a heavy application with a 110 LSA has much less off idle torque and less usable power than it does with the same cam specs set on a 108 or narrower LSA.