1972 Dodge Colt

Just back from the crank trip.
Current machine shop doesn't do cranks any more.
So into the belly of the beast, downtown Dallas and over to Fair Park.
Engine rebuild business.
I dropped both small cranks, if the second one doesn't clean up, they will have a present.
I asked about the pilot bushing, oh, we don't do that.
I asked about a woodruff key, missing on one crank, oh we don't have those.
I asked about the snout on big crank, WOW, that looks bad, we don't fix those.

Smaller race shop on the way home removed the booger on the inside of the ROMEC damper.
They are going to drill the cam dowel out.

Now to fit my honing plate to the block to get it honed next week.
You keep repeating small crank and big crank. So is this a cast crank engine?